

Unlock Your Potential with Upskill Courses

Gain a competitive edge and expand your skillset with our comprehensive skill courses. Stay ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced digital world and elevate your career to new heights.

Course Description

This skill training includes ChatGpt for Content Marketing, ChatGpt for SEO, WhatsApp Marketing, online reputation management (ORM), social media management, and Google Analytics (GA4). In this training, you will learn how to leverage the power of ChatGpt in content marketing. You can discover innovative ways to create engaging and personalized content that captivates your audience. Additionally, you will learn to harness the potential of ChatGpt for SEO and take your website rankings to new heights. With Brainium Academy, learn advanced techniques to optimize content, keywords, and meta tags for improved search engine visibility.

Throughout this skill course, you will unleash the power of WhatsApp as a marketing tool. You will acquire practical skills to engage with customers, create compelling campaigns, and drive business growth using this popular messaging platform. Moreover, in ORM, you will learn to protect and enhance your online reputation. Master the art of ORM and learn effective strategies with us to monitor, manage, and build a positive digital presence for individuals and businesses.

We help you to become a social media expert through our skill courses and unlock the potential of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Learn how to create engaging content, run effective ad campaigns, and analyze social media metrics. Also, learn to gain insights into user behavior and drive data-driven decision-making with Google Analytics GA4. Become an expert in setting up and navigating GA4, track website performance, and interpret crucial data for business growth.


If you are a marketer and want to boost your skills, then this course is just for you! We have curated the modules in such a manner that you can get practical experience with a broad range of marketing tools, concepts, techniques, and frameworks. You will be certified after completing the course. The certification validates your proficiency as an efficient marketer in definite areas of digital marketing. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn to use ChatGpt for SEO and content marketing  
  • Create engaging content, run effective ad campaigns, and analyze social media metrics
  • Understand how to protect and enhance your online reputation
  • Learn advanced techniques to optimize content, keywords, and meta tags 
  • Acquire practical skills to engage with customers, create compelling campaigns, and drive business growth
  • Classroom training 
  • Weekly assessments and quizzes
  • Video recordings of lessons 
  • One-on-one doubt-clearing sessions 

Course Modules